When am I ready to start a mission inspired brand?

You are ready to start a mission-inspired brand when:

  1. The solution has been proven to resolve a real-world problem and it’s impact can be measured 

  2. You are committed to serving a purpose greater than you 

  3. You are committed to seeing the mission surpass your lifetime

  4. You create the brand with the intention to exit it in this lifetime so it can be stewarded by a successor

  5. You’re willing to be fully responsible for the outcomes of the mission as a result of your leadership

After taking this mini-course, choose the mindset below that best matches yours for recommended resources and next steps.

  • If you haven't already, take the self-assessment here to help you explore if it's right for you.

  • Download a free Legacy Vision Map and start putting your vision on paper

  • If you've already filled out the Legacy Vision Map, book a call with Caitlin to see what your answers reveal about your next best steps for your business journey.

    Schedule a 15 minute call here..

  • You can start working with us by enrolling in Phase 2 of The LBL Blueprint where we'll develop business plans for your mission and brand with live classes.

    To make sure we’re a compatible fit for working together, we require a 15 minute call before enrolling you.

    Book yout call with Caitlin here.

  • The best way for us to answer your questions about our services is to schedule a call with Caitlin here

  • We understand the importance of making sure we're a good fit before you pay us.

    That's why we have Phase 1 of The LBL Blueprint,a free business curriculum teaching pre-requisite business foundations for Phase 2 and beyond in the LBL Blueprint.

    Book a call with Caitlin to see if Phase 1 is right for you.

After completing How to Start a Mission Inspired Brand,

we recommend taking Business Fundamentals for Beginners

This is the last lesson of the mini-course How to Start A Mission Inspired Brand.

Clicking the “Next Lesson” button below will bring you back to Lesson 1. (We’re working on correcting this!)

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