Clarity Amongst the Noise

Colors blind the eye, sounds deafen the ear,

flavors numb the taste, thoughts weaken

the mind, desires wither the heart, the

master observes the world but trusts his

inner vision, he allows things to come

and go his heart is open as the sky

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

If we as leaders fall into the seduction of fullness -

for example, thinking we need to be full of confidence, have a lot of followers

or make a lot of money to be successful or important -

we may not see what potential lies within emptiness.

With emptiness -

for example, doing without the need to feel successful or important -

comes the ability to experience your business journey

without internalizing it.

So how do we not internalize our business journey?

Well, as you’re well aware, there are many things around us that can

hinder our sense of direction and priorities -

let’s see what we can glean from the Tao.

The passage phrase of ‘Just as the sounds can deafen the ear’ 

can be compared to the abundance of market trends, coaches and

courses available.

Flavors that numb the tongue’ can mirror becoming  addicted to being liked

or having the approval of others.

When we are given so much praise and adoration for what people (or the algorithms)

want from us, as cheesy as this sounds, we can lose our ability to ‘taste flavors'

that are actually nourishing for business longevity.

Now that we can see when we internalize the business journey,

here’s how to stop internalizing it -

The key to emotional freedom in business is data-based decision making.

Once you have enough information to decipher the best moves for your intentions

based on the data you’ve collected, you can finally stop personalizing results

or free yourself from the idea that every coach or course is for you

In ‘the same way thoughts can weaken the mind’,

having too many options to help you make decisions

can distract you from knowing what to commit to.

That’s why knowing what kind of resources exist to help

you make data-based decisions is also helpful.

These resources joined with an open heart will allow you to experience 

‘wins’ and the ‘losses’ as mundane and spectacular occurrences of nature;

so you can watch them come and go as you do the sun’s rising and setting

and enjoy the journey as it’s happening.


Walking With Legacy


The Power in the Intangible