The Intangibility of Wisdom
Passage 14 - Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Passage 14 of the Tao encompass the complexities of wisdom.
Wisdom is an abstract concept that shrinks away the more you try to shape it.
There is no end to the journey of wisdom, for as it finds you,
it will continue to embrace and chafe parts of the world you know,
gently guiding change within yourself and the way you move through the world.
So how can we measure wisdom in leadership?
When we take an approach to leading with wisdom,
we are accepting responsibility for things beyond our control.
As business owners, entrepreneurs and non-profit founders,
we collaborate with the members of the public, governments and industry.
Each of these relationships com with a variety of liabilities.
For example, once we begin serving people under our brand,
we have to know legal expectations and regulations for protocols regarding our expertise.
If we don’t proactively research regulations and laws (or hire an attorney to do this on our behalf)
we are at risk of violating a rule and being penalized.
So, as you already know, knowledge and compliance is one type of responsibility
we take on to protect the longevity of the brand.
Another responsibility we take on is to be ethical in conduct.
Ethics vary from person-to-person, but if we want a reputation of
notoriety, we adopt specific protocols, codes and policies (and especially a branding operation)
to ensure the experience people have represents the mission we serve.
The final responsibility we take on in business is optional,
and that’s social responsibility.
Social responsibility accounts for the impact our operations
and leadership have on humanity; of course, it is best practice to extend this
consideration to wildlife, too.
How do we lead with wisdom?
Embracing a disposition of humility is the key to leading with wisdom.
Here are some traits of humility:
Humility asks questions and remains curious to learn
Humility is being data-informed before making decisions
Humility is open to hearing ideas and suggestions (even if they won’t be accepted)
Humility is aware of what it doesn’t know
Humility is committed to the journey (not the destination)
Humility stewards money, time and energy
Above all, humility doesn’t go out seeking to be humble - it just is.
What traits of humility do you see in yourself?