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The Rat Race: Part II (The Opportunity)

Image Courtesy of Afremov

"If powerful men and women could remain centered in the Tao all things would be in harmony. The world would become a paradise. All people would be at peace ... " 

-Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

Once we see through the facade of the American Dream, we are confronted with another realization: we think we are not the public servants who have seemingly betrayed the public or we think we are not the CEO who uses people and loves money.

When we see these thoughts we are presented with a powerful opportunity:

To remain polarized choosing sides and pointing fingers or  to become one with the side we think is “not us”.

Oneness with “the politician”, the “banker”and the “CEO” is not saying “I agree with everything they do.” 

It’s much deeper than that.

It’s removing ourselves from participating in the divisiveness. 

Oneness means you’re done taking sides.

If we choose this path, we have a chance to realize we are all human - regardless of title, status or actions - and we can be in it together.

Once one accepts this humble perspective, something happens.

Suddenly, the world outside of you can't touch the world inside you. Sure, you may feel it at times, but you don’t fear it; you don’t try to change it  and you won’t be distracted by it because you are one with it. And so you love the world outside of you because you are it and it is you; you embrace it as a mother embraces her child. 

When you can hold space for both the dark and the light of the world, you have the ability to lead in a way that doesn’t compromise the sanctity of Oneness.

And that’s when you won’t be able to focus on anything but your mission.

If you’re a business owner or non-profit founder,your brand is the vessel for Oneness because it requires you to empty yourself of a stance and to use your resources, time and platforms for its mission (not your opinions).. 

As the brand moves in harmony with all that is happening in the world, its actions, values and voice will simultaneously shape the world. 

If your intention is to leave a brand legacy, the brand mission will require you to match its stance as a vessel of oneness. And once you become this, you will not need to fight, prove or try. Because you will be.

Your power is not in money, influence or followers.

It is in the Oneness.

By Arabella Davis