Before creating emails in any marketing tools, its a good idea to write them out first on a Google Doc or other kind of personal note taking app.

In order to write out drafts that will help you, remember to do the following:

  1. Refer to your BRAND GUIDE for the VOICE of your brand.

    Your emails need to sound like YOU, not me or anyone else.

  2. Refer to your BRAND GUIDE for the EMOTION of your brand.

    Your emails need to feel like YOU, not me or anyone else.

  3. Plan the obectives of your email before using the templates, so you can know exactly what to say.

Plan the objectives of every email by answering the following questions first:

  1. Why am I sending this email?
    Example: This email is being sent to announce a special offer.

  2. Who is receiving this email?
    Example: YouTube subscribers

  3. Where do I want them to go after this email?
    Example: on my calendar

  4. What do I want them to do after this email?
    Example: Book a call

  5. How will I direct traffic to the next place I want them go after the email?

    Example: I will put a button in the email for them to click. The button will say “Book Now”. The button will be linked with a URL to my calendar.

Now, you’re ready to write a first draft. Use the template to guide your first email.


  • Subject Line: Short, Direct and Curiosity Provoking

  • Introduction: 

    • Greeting 

      •  Example: “Hi *Name*, I’m really excited to share this with you … “

    • What are you talking about? 

      • Example: In my last email I promised a really amazing offer that is just for email subscribers. Well, here it is…”

  • Body: 

    • Specific details supporting “what you are talking about” in introduction.

      • Example:

 “For the next 7 days, I’m giving away a FREE call to plan your social media campaigns. 

 On the call you will learn:

  1. How to plan your social media one week ahead of schedule

  2. Ways to convert your current following into buyers

  3. Write out exactly what to say and where to share 

Normally, I charge $300 for this - for the next week, it’s yours for free.”

    • How it affects them:

      • Example: “Take advantage of this offer if you’re feeling tired, stuck and overwhelmed by social media posts. Let’s gain clarity together so you can know exactly what to post, how to say it and where to post it!”

  • Closing:

    • What do they have to do (CTA - Call to Action)?

      • Example: “Book a call now”

    • Sign-Off:

      • Example: “Talk soon, Caitlin”

Copywriting Tips: 

    • Sound conversational as if you are speaking with them, not at them.

    • Speak in simple terms (like you’re talking to an eight year old)

    • Tie in illustrations to make sure the reader understands exactly what you’re saying (paint pictures with words)