The secret to keeping customers and clients happy is excellent service.
As we build our businesses, it’s important to always keep relationships in the forefront of everything we are doing.
How do we do that?
By referring to the BRAND GUIDE, we can make sure that our brand culture is felt in our communications with prospects and customers. Whether it’s in emails, chat bots, social media - and in what' we’ll be covering here - contracts, or brand guide will help us once again in preserving our brand culture as we scale.
Every relationship requires accountability because it is a give and take.
That’s why we use contracts - to clearly set expectations, terms and conditions.
If one party should not meet their part of the agreement, we can point to the contract and say “hey, you agreed to this”.
Contracts protect us from any harm that can take place within and after working with people in any capacity. No matter what your business is - even as an artist - you should always have a contract of some sort to make sure you are protected in the worst case scenarios.