Of A Lifetime


Be fully supported in your business.

Our Business Curriculum guides freelancers, hobbyists, non-profits and start ups in creating an intuitive business structure that will love people and use money (not the other way around) while creating freedom from volatile emotional roller coasters that are inevitable for any newly launched business or non-profit.

Our goal is to help you lead yourself, your current or future team and your business activities with simplicity, compassion and patience.

This all happens as we invest in learning in how to build an actual business (and not the illusion of one) that works on your behalf while trusting more in your inherent abundance that exists far beyond any dollar amount, sales numbers or follower count.

Relying on all of these things to measure our “success” in business makes us run our businesses emotionally.

When we rely on our feelings (instead of logic) to make decisions, we limit ourselves to action only when we feel like it, when we “have enough time” or only when we see results. Or we’ll overwork ourselves into exhaustion thinking that if it doesn’t feel “hard” we are doing something wrong.

Operating a business like this causes serious strain in our bodies, minds and spirits as we put pressure on ourselves to perform, to “get” leads or clients and to be “good enough” to make a sale. (As if perfection and performance have any place in serving people!)

The truth is NO ONE is prepared to have a business. It’s something that can only be learned as we take action. And this can lead to even more emotional roller coasters that result in low productivity, stress, burn-out, panic attacks, depression and self-doubt.

The secret to breaking that volatile emotional roller coaster cycle is learning HOW to create systems that manage your:

  • Time

  • Money

  • Thoughts

  • Expectations

  • Communications

Once these are in place, You’ll finally feel like you are running a business without exerting lots of effort. This frees you to show up in your business and non-profit with ease and that means everything actually becomes easier!

Whether you’re looking to leave a desk job, create a non-profit or launch a new start-up, creating an intuitive business that thrives on loving people and using money can only become our reality when we can lead ourselves.

In our Legacy Brand Leader Journey, you will learn how to remain open-hearted, calm, logical and steady under pressure, and best of all, you’ll become completely free of any pressure!

Does this resonate with you? Do you need less pressure, less effort and more results?

If so, here’s how we help …

The only way to get out of the emotionally driven business cycle for good is to develop a little something known in the business world as “Standard Operating Procedures”.

So what the heck does “Standard Operating Procedures” mean anyway?

Well, like my clients joke, “it sounds an awful lot like going corporate”.

If by “corporate” my clients mean positioning themselves to be more productive, present and committed while exerting LESS effort —— then that is a roaring YES!!!!

For many of us, words like “organization, strategy, growth, commitment” come with dread, fear and resistance.

That’s what my team and I are here to change!

In our Legacy Brand Leader Journey, we give you tools to support you in ACTIVELY BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS and in the natural exchange of energy, you’ll also be building yourself - so you can finally be the change with a business that loves people and uses money without feeling overrun, overwhelmed or over-anything!

But enough talk, let’s get to playing … start building your business with a free 14 Day Trial.


Kylie Gail Garcia, Vegan Coach Kylie, Legacy Brand Leader