We Become What We Commit To

Lately I've been presented with many choices.

I've met amazing new people, acquired a new office for my business and have had multiple opportunities for growth as a leader, not only for myself, but for clients and team members.

The more decisions I make the more I expand.

One of the amazing new people I met included someone I found extremely attractive both inside and out.

Since the feeling was mutual we decided to explore the interest.

Both of us were faced with some serious wake up calls about our desires.

Here's what I learned about humans -




If we aren't committing to anything (or anyone),

we are committing to indecision or to not being committed.

No matter what we say or think, we are always committing to something.

Take sleeping for example - when we are awake we are committed to being awake.

But if we lay down and say “I am committed to staying awake" and fall asleep -

we fell asleep because we felt relaxed.

You see our commitments shape us.

If we truly commit to being awake, would we give ourselves opportunity to fall asleep?

Even our commitments to not commit are commitments.

And commitments are the only thing that give us the ability to deliberately change by choice.

To be concious means being aware and intentional of what we are becoming.

If we are committed to inaction and set no intention,

we are forfeiting our power of choice and the ability to lead ourselves.

The exchange for commitment to inaction and unintention is that our environments,

circumstances and energy shape us.

We are created to shape ourselves that we would be owned by nothing -

free from all forms of slavery.

If we commit to having we are setting no intention of becoming but only owning.

And when we own, we possess.

When we possess, we are truly owned by whatever or whoever we have.

When we commit to action we are free and are not owned by anything.

When we commit to inaction we are owned by what is outside of us.

Are you having or are you becoming?

Sage on,



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