No One Makes It to the Top Alone

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As a coach, I run into a lot of egos.

Many prospects flat out say, “I don’t need your help…” or even begin comparing themselves to other celebrities who have “made” it.

“I can do whatever I set my mind to,” one said.

Yes, that’s correct.

But any wise sage knows your mind only knows what your mind knows which is why anyone who has “made it” has always had help.

Tony Robbins did NOT become Tony Robbins on his own.

Tony Robbins formed the mindset he needed from Jim Rohn.

So, it’s never a matter of “if” you need help or even “when” you need help.

It’s only a matter of when will you be honest with yourself and humble enough to accept help?

Cheers to your higher sage self,



Why We Are Safest in the Unknown


If You Don't Know, What Are You Going to Do About It?