The final phase in business development is to exit.
Let’s understand what that means.
Exiting your business can only happen when you've done the work to plan, build and replace in the other phases.
Once you've completed the phases in this order, you'll have a business that is profitable, growth-oriented and is positioned as a viable investment.
Exiting your business can look like many things, for example -
The business can become another form of business such as a foundation or non-profit which another person will manage
The business can be listed for sale so you can make a large profit once it goes through
The business can be protected in a living will to pass on to someone you appoint before or at time of death
These are just some of the ways a business can be exited.
The Executive Vision Holder is responsible for planning the exit.
This is because the exit determines the entire trajectory of the business's life cycle.
If the exit is not created in alignment with the mission, it can compromise the integrity of the entire business.
The business is exited at the time of your choice, but it can only occur after the other phases are complete and the business is profitable.
The plan for the exit must be made at the beginning of business when the business plan is created because it sets the tone for the pace, intention and direction of all movement in the business going forward.
Some examples of results from a business exit being planned is:
Clear direction for pace
Protective measure in case illness or other unforeseen emergency jeopardizes business
Investors and grantors both appreciate exit plans because it shows a seriousness about leading your business to a destination and jumping off when it no longer needs you
After taking this mini-course, choose the mindset below that best matches yours for recommended resources and next steps.
The next step in developing your business is to begin documenting your business plans for free with a Legacy Vision Map (formerly Legacy Pledge Map).
Purchasing our newest book
he Universal Law of Business Development
will help you understand the 4 Phases talked about in this course.
The first step of working with us is to download your Legacy Vision Map for free and completing it as best as you can.
Once you fill this out we will be able to see how skilled you already are at business planning and direct you to the best service to support you at your current skill level!
The best way for us to answer your questions about our services is to message us on LinkedIn
We understand the importance of making sure we're a good fit before you pay us.
That's why we have Phase 1 of The LBL Blueprint, a free business curriculum teaching pre-requisite business foundations.
You get access to this for free after completing your Legacy Vision Map.
This is the last lesson of the mini-course The Four Phases of Business.
Clicking the “Complete & Continue” button below will bring you back to Lesson 1. (We’re working on correcting this!)
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