Now that you’ve learned the first component of business,
let’s explore the second.
The second business component is foundation.
Foundation in business is the hard skills and knowledge that are formed using the framework developed previously.
In the same way the concrete foundation of a house stabilizes the framework for long-term support, a foundation in business binds the soft skills learned previously (framework) to actions, so that plans are carried out by teammates, technology and tools in a way that guarantees the intended experience to be actualized in real life
Once the initial framework of your business is built by you, the Executive Vision Holder, its recommended that you also build the initial foundation in the form of business plans.
Once you have the foundation laid in plans, anyone who understands how to direct the next-level business structure (and its teams and tech) in carrying out their actions can replace you.
A foundation for your business is built at every stage of business where new developments will occur and after a framework for the new development is complete.
If no business exists yet, the foundation has to be laid in business plans that come from the mental framework developed in the Executive Vision Holder's mind beforehand.
This mental framework will appear as new beliefs, attitudes and philosophies about business.
Some examples of a business foundation are:
SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
Fillable Templates
Step-by-Step Processes
In business, some examples of results from a business foundation being implemented at the appropriate times are:
Clear direction
Strategic Planning
Trust in the process
Informed decision making