3.4 - Creating Sales Activities for the Buyer’s Journey -
In order to engage with others in your higher levels of connection, you must know exactly what you are giving to them in that engagement.
In order to determine what we’re giving, we have to ask ourselves some questions about the prospect.
To get started, answer the first 4 questions on the worksheet “CREATING RESOURCES FOR NEXT-LEVEL ENGAGEMENTS - LEVEL 1: TALKING TO PROSPECTS”
Hint: Refer to the Brand Guide and Audience Map in Ops 1 to make this easy.
After reading the worksheet and answering the questions on it continue reading this page:
Now, I use the PROSPECT’s words to ask the next question …
For example, if the prospect says “It’s a hobby” - I ask, “Have you ever considered making money from this so you do this full time?”
If the prospect shares a personal story in depth, I say “Thank you so much for sharing that with me! Your work is very important which is why I reached out. I have a Legacy Brand Map that can help you make more impact. It’s a free tool that I provide on calls so people who aren’t motivated by money can really learn how make more money so they can become fully available to their purpose instead of compromising their soul’s mission at a day job. Here’s a link to learn more about my personal story and why I created it: ____) If this resonates with you, I will drop my calendar link so we can schedule a time to plan your impact! Let me know either way and thanks again for all your work.”
TWO KEY THINGS: It is up for the prospect to say “yes” or “no”
If they say yes - I drop the calendar link in a 3rd message.
If they say no - I thank them and ask if I can email it to them so they can complete it solo. Then I add them to my “follow up plan” *we will cover that soon in OPERATIONS 3*
If they say maybe - I ask if I can email it to them so they can complete it solo. Then I add them to my “follow up plan”
Now answer questions 5 & 6 on the worksheet you just downloaded.
GREAT JOB - THE ANSWERS YOU WROTE IN QUESTIONS 4, 5 & 6 IS YOUR SALES MESSAGE FLOW. Reach out to the people on your spreadsheet by thanking them for connecting with you (according to the event shown in the spreadsheet) and with the question you wrote in #4.
Once you get responses, use the messages you wrote in question 5 or question 6.
Now you know how to track sales activities in your PROSPECTS tab.
Let’s learn how to do it in the LEADS tab.
Did you get stumped in this section? Post your questions here so we can help!
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Operation 1: Branding↓
Operation 2: Marketing↓
2.1 - Intro to Buyer's Journey
2.2 - Building Our Prospect Journey
2.3 - Building Our Lead Journey
2.4 - Building Our Customer Journey
2.5 - Finishing Our Buyer's Journey
2.6 - Testing Our Buyer's Journey
2.7 - Creating A Journey On Our Website
2.7a - Laying Your Foundation for Branded Content and Images
2.7b - Guiding Website Visitors with Action Buttons
2.7c - Styling Your Website and Adding SEO
2.7d - Taking Your Domain Live
Operation 3: Sales↓
3.1 - Tracking Sales Activities
3.2 - Creating Sales Activities
3.3 - Creating Next Level Engagements
3.4 - Creating Resources for Next Level Engagements